Thursday, October 12, 2006


Here is a picture of my Grandma & her parents. She was the youngest of 10.

I have been doing family history, or, at least, trying to. I have met a extremely distant cousin who has made that her life's work. There is so much work already done for me through them. They have us traced back all the way to 1611. There is some names & places that go back further but there is nothing to prove it.

Someone in the family still has a book that is from the early 1600's that belong to my one great... grandpas that can be proven. It was a book he brought to America in the 1600's.

Another Great... Grandpa fought in the Revelutionary War & is one of the earliest settlers in the area where my Grandmother grew up. Some one in the family still has a bell that he bought on his way back from a battle. The story goes he was walking home & heard a bell & wondered where it was coming from. He & his fellow solider walked to find it & came to an ox in the field with the bell on. They went up to the farmers cabin & asked to buy it. The man said they can buy it for a dollar per mile from the battle field, since he lived 4 miles from the field, the bell was $4. My Great... Grandfather had 2 dollars & the other solider had 2 dollars. So the farmer suggested to draw straws to see who would win the bell & my Great... Grandfather won.

They bring, both the book & the bell to the family reunions & I can't wait til next year so I can see them.


Blogger Crazedmomof4 said...

One correction about the bell is that my great... grandpa had to pay the other solider back his 2 dollars when they got back home.

3:17 AM  
Blogger Crazedmomof4 said...

Merle, If you stopped over you'll notice my Great Grandma didn't have on an apron but I do have some pics of her wearing them.

4:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Crazed Mom of 4, ~ Maybe Great Grandma took off her apron for the photo. Lovely to have a photo of your Grandma as a child, and to be able to trace back family so far. The book and the bell will be interesting to see.
Thanks for your comments, glad you enjoyed the post. Family history is so
beaut to find out. Lucky you having a cousin who has done so much. Take care,

4:43 AM  
Blogger Granny said...

I love these old pictures. I have a couple back in my blog archives. I'll see if I can track one or two down for you.

8:41 PM  
Blogger Crazedmomof4 said...

Granny, that would be great. I love looking at old pics. Actually, any pics.:D But there is something about the beauty in old ones.

I've been trying for days now to load my Grandparents Wedding pic but Blogger will not work for me.
:( I will try now & see if it works.

3:10 PM  

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