Why the Percents have changed!
Katie Couric just said that the percent of teens using drugs has gone down, but the percent of their parents using drugs has gone up. Doesn't this explain itself. Kids cause stress, drugs help you think you can cope with stress. Even though I have never tried drugs, I can see why some parents do. Not that I encourage it, but you get what I mean. Plus our generation still got spanked but now you are not allowed to spank & kids will use that in your face. (Mine haven't but I have heard of many kids doing this.) I do not agree with child abuse, don't get me wrong, but I always thought smacking your kids was wrong until I had some. Not that I believe it is the right thing to do either. I have mixed feelings on it. Honestly I have found no form of punishment that works with my kids. I think every family & every kid is a different situtation.
But I definitely see why parents using drugs is up. Don't you?
But I definitely see why parents using drugs is up. Don't you?
Curious about what they consider to be drugs.
Prescription medication? Crystal meth? Crack?
I don't know but I'm guessing illegal stuff.
I'm sure I'll get a lot of flack for this but I do believe in spanking. Not smacking. NEVER in the face. But a swat on the bottom when they are doing something directly defiant. And I NEVER do it when I am angry an I ALWAYS hug them and tell them I love them when it is over. This is very different than "hitting" or "abusing".
I was also spanked on occasion as a child and have a loving and respectful relationship with my parents. Spanking gets a bad rap because people don't know how to use it correctly. Just my opinion...
I must agree with Kristin. A tap across the bum or back of the legs never harmed me or my children. Time out and grounding was never very successful, and as they got older it got harder. But letting them know how much they are loved and cared for everyday is very important.
I agree you both of you but I wrote this because I found that the percent of teens using drugs has gone down & the percent of their parents using drugs has gone up! I barely drink but still think I need a shirt for my oldest son that says "I'm the reason my Mom drinks!" ;)
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